How to Convert a Date into a Timestamp using PHP

A Unix timestamp is a numeric representation of a date and time, which is especially useful for date calculations and comparisons. In this tutorial you will learn how to convert a date into a timestamp using PHP.

To convert a date into a timestamp in PHP, you can use the strtotime() function or the DateTime class. Both methods allow you to convert a date string into a Unix timestamp. Here’s how to use each method:

Using “strtotime()” Function to Convert a Date into Timestamp

The strtotime() function in PHP is a straightforward way to convert a date string into a Unix timestamp. You simply pass the date string as an argument, and it returns the corresponding timestamp. Here’s an example:

$dateString = "2023-10-15 14:30:00"; // Replace with your date string
$timestamp = strtotime($dateString);

echo "Timestamp: $timestamp"; // Output: Timestamp: 1697373000

In this code:

  • We define a date string in the format “Y-m-d H:i:s” (year-month-day hour:minute:second).
  • We use the strtotime() function to convert the date string into a Unix timestamp.
  • The timestamp is then displayed.

The strtotime() function can handle a wide range of date and time formats, making it very flexible for parsing dates.

Using the PHP “DateTime” Class:

The DateTime class in PHP is a powerful and object-oriented way to work with dates and times. You can create a DateTime object from a date string and then use the getTimestamp() method to obtain the Unix timestamp. Here’s an example:

$dateString = "2023-10-15 14:30:00"; // Replace with your date string
$dateTime = new DateTime($dateString);
$timestamp = $dateTime->getTimestamp();

echo "Timestamp: $timestamp"; // Output: Timestamp: 1697373000

The DateTime class is more versatile and provides additional features for working with dates and times, making it a preferred choice when dealing with date manipulation.

In summary, you can use the strtotime() function for a quick conversion or the DateTime class for a more robust and object-oriented approach. Choose the method that best fits your needs and the complexity of your date-related tasks.

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