How To Get The Substring After A Specific Character In JavaScript?

In JavaScript, there are various scenarios where you might need to extract a substring from a larger string that comes after a specific character or delimiter. In this tutorial you will find out different ways to get the substring after a specific character using JavaScript.

4 Ways to Get the Substring After a Specific Character in JS

1. By Specifying Specific Delimiter in the split() Method

The split() method in JavaScript allows you to split a string into an array of substrings based on a specified delimiter. To get the substring after a specific character, you can use split() and select the appropriate element from the resulting array.

Here’s an example:

// Original string to be split
const originalString = "Hello, World!";

// Delimiter used for splitting
const delimiter = ",";

// Splitting the original string using the specified delimiter
const substrings = originalString.split(delimiter);

// Extracting the substring after the delimiter and removing any leading/trailing whitespace
const substringAfter = substrings[1].trim();

console.log(substringAfter); // Output: "World!"

2. By providing delimiter index to the substring() method

The substring() method allows you to extract a portion of a string between two specified indices. To get the substring after a specific character, you can find the index of that character and use it as the starting point for the substring() method.

// Original string to be searched
const originalString = "Hello, World!";

// Delimiter used for searching
const delimiter = ",";

// Finding the index of the delimiter in the original string
const index = originalString.indexOf(delimiter);

// Checking if the delimiter exists in the original string
if (index !== -1) {
  // Extracting the substring after the delimiter
  const substringAfter = originalString.substring(index + delimiter.length);

  // Output the extracted substring after the delimiter
  console.log(substringAfter); // Output: " World!"

3. Using Regular Expressions to Get After Substring

Regular expressions provide a powerful way to manipulate strings in JavaScript. You can use regular expressions to match and extract substrings after a specific character or pattern.

// Original string to be searched
const originalString = "Hello, World!";

// Delimiter used for splitting
const delimiter = ",";

// Regular expression to match the substring after the delimiter
const regex = new RegExp(`(?<=${delimiter})[^${delimiter}]+`);

// Finding the match using the regular expression
const match = originalString.match(regex);

// Checking if a match is found
if (match) {
  // Extracting the matched substring after the delimiter and removing any leading/trailing whitespace
  const substringAfter = match[0].trim();

  // Output the extracted substring after the delimiter
  console.log(substringAfter); // Output: "World!"

In this example, we create a regular expression using new RegExp() that matches text after the comma (,). The match() method is then used to find the first matching substring. Finally, we trim any leading or trailing whitespace from the matched substring.

4. Using the split().map() Methods with Array Destructuring

In modern JavaScript, you can also use array destructuring to get the substring after a specific character when splitting a string. This approach allows you to directly assign the result to a variable.

// Original string to be split
const originalString = "Hello, World!";

// Delimiter used for splitting
const delimiter = ",";

// Splitting the original string using the specified delimiter, mapping and trimming each substring
const [, substringAfter] = originalString.split(delimiter).map((s) => s.trim());

// Output the trimmed substring after the delimiter
console.log(substringAfter); // Output: "World!"

In this example, we split the originalString using the comma (,) delimiter and use map() to trim whitespace from each resulting substring. By using array destructuring, we can assign the second element of the resulting array (which is the substring after the comma) directly to the substringAfter variable.


Getting the substring after a specific character in JavaScript is a common operation in many applications. Whether you prefer using the split() method, the substring() method, regular expressions, or array destructuring, JavaScript provides various options to extract the desired substring efficiently and accurately. The choice of method depends on your specific use case and coding style.

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