How To Create MySQL Database Using phpMyAdmin

Creating a MySQL database using phpMyAdmin is a straightforward process. phpMyAdmin is a web-based interface for managing MySQL databases, and it’s commonly included in web hosting control panels or installed manually on web servers. In this step-by-step tutorial you will learn how to create a database using the phpMyAdmin.

SQL Statement or Query to Create a Database

To create a MySQL database, you need to run the following SQL Statement, or the following query runs behind when you create a MySQL database using a GUI tool like phpMyAdmin.

CREATE DATABASE database_name;

If you try to create a database with a name that already exists, you will get the error (Can’t create database `database_name`; database exists). To prevent this error you need to verify if a database exists before creating it, simply add IF NOT EXISTS before the database name. Here is the example:


Steps-by-step Create a MySQL Database using phpMyAdmin

Step 1: Access phpMyAdmin:

Open your web browser and enter the URL for phpMyAdmin. This is typically located at http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ if you’re running it locally or provided by your web host.

Step 2: Login to phpMyAdmin:

Enter your MySQL username and password to log in to phpMyAdmin. These credentials should be provided to you by your web hosting provider or configured during MySQL installation if you’re running it locally./h3

Step 3: Navigate to the Databases Tab of phpMyAdmin:

After logging in, you’ll see the phpMyAdmin dashboard. Click on the “Databases” tab in the navigation menu at the top of the page.

click on the new on the left side of phpmyadmin dashboard to create new database

Step 4: Create a New Database using phpMyAdmin:

  • In the “Create database” section, enter a name for your new database in the “Database name” field. Choose a descriptive name that reflects the purpose of your database.
  • Optionally, you can select a default collation for your database from the dropdown menu. Collation determines how character data is sorted and compared in the database. If you’re unsure, you can leave it as the default value.
  • Click on the “Create” button to create the new database.
enter the database name and click on the create button in phpMyAdmin

Step 5: Verify the Database Creation:

To verify that the database was created successfully, you can look for it in the list of databases on the left-hand side of the phpMyAdmin interface. You should see your new database listed there.

Verify mysql database creation in phpMyAdmin

Step 6: Optional: Set Privileges for the Database:

If you’re creating the database for a specific application or user, you may need to assign privileges to that user. To do this, click on the “Privileges” tab in phpMyAdmin, then click on “Add user account” and follow the prompts to grant the necessary privileges to the user for the newly created database.

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